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Working More Hours Than You’d Like?

Writer's picture: Tina Del BuonoTina Del Buono

Catching up at work on a weekend is just a hard thing to do, even when you feel better about what you have done once it is accomplished. If it is an occasional thing then that may be okay, but if it happens often or always it is time to take a look at what’s and why’s to find out the reason. If not then not doubt this work style can certainly lead to burnout. I know a lot about this topic because for several years after beginning a new job I end up working 6-7 days a week and I just about allowed it to ruin my life. For me the change came when I read a book called “Repacking Your Bags” by Richard Leider and David Shapiro. This book came into my life just at the right time and by applying the things I learned from this book I have been able to take my personal and professional life in the direction that I wanted to, but just did not have the time to because I was at work for most of my awake hours each day. Now I don’t want you to think that I was able to just change everything overnight, it actually was a process of over a couple of years, but I was able to see the light at the end of the tunnel and small goals were achieved often enough for the load to feel lighter along the way. For each person who is “stuck” in a situation like this the reason and solution will be as different as we are from each other. I would highly recommend this book if you are looking for some helpful directions to claiming your life back and lighten your load.

“The perfect book if you’re looking for meaning in your life. After reading Repacking Your Bags you will have a better understanding of yourself and a new vision of where you would like to go in the future.” – Ken Blanchard (co-author of the One Minute Manager)


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