Recently, I was talking with a client who expressed that he really did not expect to be successful in his present business because he had been a failure in a couple of businesses before.
As we reviewed the possibilities he had to make for his current business to be more successful, he consistently responded negatively as to why it probably would or could not happen.
I asked him if he were happy. He was silent for a few moments then said “sure, I guess so.” His response certainly did not sound like he was happy.
It is when I encounter people such as this man, I wish I had a magic wand that I could tap and change their attitude into one that is positive and willing to pursue the challenges that life brings our way.
I understand that many people face such hardships in their life that their ability to spring back is more than a difficult feat, but I do know that it can be done. I have witnessed it in people I know and have been amazed. I think it is their ability to continue to look forward and not back knowing something wonderful is ahead of them.
It is important for us to remember when we encounter someone who is “down and only can see darkness” that we try to be light, directing them on a brighter path. Happiness is a choice and no one can take that choice away from you, except you.
“Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.” ~ Jim Rohn