Have you ever been so frustrated with situation at work that involved your boss that you felt you needed to confront them? How did that work for you? There are a few important steps that you really need to take into consideration before doing this. First of all you really need think over what the situation was about and is it something worth confronting your boss with. Many times you may get upset because of something that your boss did that directly had an effect on you that you did not like, and because of the way it made you feel, you felt that you were justified to confront them. Practice rule #1, wait until you have calmed down and have had time to really think the situation through, especially if you value how your boss views you. Get all of the facts straight. If others were around when the situation happened, ask for their input maybe they saw the situation differently than you did. If they agree with you then ask if they would support you when you talk to your boss, there is power in numbers. Prepare all of the facts in writing, as sometimes we get nervous and will not remember exactly what we need to say and are less effective in presenting our case. Once you are calm and really feel that confrontation is the correct thing to do then calmly approach your boss and ask when would be a good time to talk about something that has upset you. Remember your boss is not a mind reader and may not even realize that they have done something that has upset you, so be considerate of this fact. When the time comes for the talk be respectful at all times, once you have calmly stated your case, be quite and listen to what they have to say. You may not get the results that you want, but thank your boss for taking the time to hear you out. If the outcome is positive and your point is well taken then the relationship door between you and your boss has opened a little bit wider. If the outcome was negative, then at least you have been given the opportunity to get to know your boss a little bit better whether you like it or not. But on the up side, you should be congratulated on taking the right steps to confront a situation that you felt you needed to and that is a great challenge do. Confrontation is never easy, but by having all of your points and facts written down and taking the time to really think through them, you will be more confident and present your case in a professional manner. These are good skills that you will need for your life-time in the work world.