Have you ever thought of yourself in the sense of words? What words would describe who you are and capture what it is that you want to project?
Thinking about this is pretty interesting. When you start to think of yourself in words, what comes into your mind first? Give it a few seconds… now what do you think?
There are so many words and there is so much that makes each of us up. How can we only choose a few words?
Are you: happy, sad, brilliant, intelligent, friendly, professional, bold or progressive? Maybe you are reliable, conservative, adventurous or bold. Who you are can change, but usually there is just one you when it comes to searching your heart and naming what your strengths and weakness are.
Think of who you are now and who you want to be in 5-10 years. How would you describe in words yourself in both times?
“Don’t dare to be different, dare to be yourself – if that doesn’t make you different then something is wrong.” ~ Laura Baker