“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”
—Eleanor Roosevelt
Today I wanted to share with you a little about a book that I am reading that has captured my attention. It is called “The Slight Edge.” Whenever I find a book that is worth sharing I pass it along and this is a great one if you are seeking to achieve your goals.
I was given the book by a friend who I connect with very well. Our home libraries are probably 99% filled with the same books. So when he gave this book to me I knew it must be something that I would enjoy.
Then last weekend I was at a conference in Pittsburgh and one of the speakers asked this simple question “if everyone in this room was given the information on how they could be more successful in their life than they ever thought, how many do you think would do it?” The answer was less than 2% and to my surprise he then went on to tell about “The Slight Edge” for those who really would like to be able to achieve their goals.
Apparently I am not the only one who thinks this is a great book, just look at the reviews on Amazon with the link below. I was pretty amazed by all of the 5’s this book received.
If you have read any good books lately, please feel free to comment and share them with us. Have a great Wednesday!