Change in the workplace is going to happen, especially now with way technology is advancing and social networking is becoming a way to market our businesses. But change is not always exciting for everyone at work. Many people have a difficult time when changes start to occur at work and can become anxious. Co-workers not only can become anxious, they can become resistent and begin stirring trouble between the troops in a negative way. Office managers can do a lot of harm in the office if they do not buy into the changes that the boss or business owners want to make. If people are comfortable with how they are doing things then change can be very threatening. I was talking to a woman once whose office was changing over to a new electronic medical record system and she felt this technology was way over her head and started to get the “victim” syndrome and eventually by her digging in her heels with fear and resistance she lost her job and no one can afford that.
In Calvin Sun’s article “10 tips for dealing with change in the workplace” he discusses ways to recognize the effects change has on people and ways you can deal with it. It has some very insightful information to keep in mind as changes will always be happening in the workplace.