A common complaint among managers, no matter type of business they are in, is lack of employee cooperation to complete their job tasks.
When I hear this from managers I will ask them “if this employee has been hired for a particular job, do they know and understand what that job is?” If they say “yes” then I ask “how do you manage them?”
I usually will get some pretty interesting looks. Management styles play a big part in how employees will perform and respond to their managers.
Managers need to remember that their staff are human just like they are. They need to ask themselves “how would I like to be treated by my manager?”
Successful managers have three secret managerial skills that they practice. They learn how to delegate effectively to their staff members, which makes a huge difference in how they respond.
1. They delegate tasks without abdicating their responsibility.
2. They explain the why, but never dictate the how.
3. They give instructions, not orders.
Employees respect and respond to managers who treat them respectfully when delegating tasks. Employers respect and respond to managers who accept the ultimate responsibility of what they have delegated to their staff to complete.
Do you have other successful delegation tips to share?
“Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.” —Dwight D. Eisenhower