It doesn’t matter how nice you are there are going to be times where an apology is in order. With patients or customers it may be over not delivering service or a product as was expected. Maybe unexpected costs, increased prices, or miscommunication have caused a problem. Whatever it is if they are unhappy and dissatisfied an apology is owed. One of the most important things when it comes to owing an apology is to do it quickly, do not delay as it could make matters worse. Ask for an explanation of what the problem is then take time to listen to all of the details and ask questions if needed so you can truly understand where they are coming from. Many times once people are allowed to verbally explain their problem they feel better just having done so. But when it comes time to apologize for any wrong doing, misunderstanding, or conflict make sure you look the person in the eye and speak sincerely to them about being sorry for the situation and what can be done, if anything, to correct it. People know when you are not being sincere. Choose your words carefully, and take your time to think it through. The last thing you would want to do is to make promises that you cannot keep, or give false hope to a person who is already disappointed and upset. So remember these three things when is comes to apologizing, 1. Do it quickly. 2. Listen carefully. 3. Be sincere.