“The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement.” ~Helmut Schmidt
I was talking with a small business owner recently about the continual need for change in your business. She asked me “What if your business is doing things that have been very successful with your products, and customers should you still look for ways to change?”
There is something to be said when you find what works and continue to duplicate it producing the same successful result, that you should not to mess with it. A good example of that would be customer service. If you have happy, satisfied customers you must be doing something right, understand what that is and continue it.
With that being said, it doesn’t mean that you cannot try to improve on what you are doing. A great way to do this is to ask your customers what they might like, since they like what you do already.
Good customers are more than happy to give you insight into additional ways that you could serve them or carry products and provide services that could possibly make your business more successful.
Many times business owners either hear or read about a company that has a great philosophy or culture which has caused them to be super successful and they think if they duplicate what this company has done they will have the same results.
This is not always true, as no two companies are the same, even if they produce the same product or give good service. The people who make up the company are different and you cannot duplicate the people.
If you want to take your company to a new level find out what it is that you are doing right and what could be you doing better and implement it. Ask you customers for their insight as they know what they are looking for and if you can deliver it you will be even more successful to those you serve.