Most of you have either read or heard of the book the “One Minute Manager” by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson. This was one of the first management books that I read.
Occasionally, I will pick this book up and read a chapter or two to glean from the wisdom within it’s 106 pages.
Today, I read the chapter on one minute goals. The section that jumped out at me was; helping people I work with to reach their full potential, by catching them doing something right.
I have read this book many times, and know that I can grow my staff this way, but fail so often to do it. It is not that I do not do it, it is that I do not do it often enough.
The One Minute Praising works well when you:
1. Tell people up front that you are going to let them know how they are doing.
2. Praise them immediately.
3. Tell people what they did right – be specific
4. Tell people how good you feel about what they did right, and how it helps the organization and the other people who work there.
5. Stop for a moment of silence to let them “feel” how good you feel.
6. Encourage them to do more of the same.
7. Shake hands or touch people in a way that makes it clear that you support their success in the organization.
Simple, right? I am printing this out and keeping it in my office where I can see as a reminder to “Praise” more often.
Take the challenge and make those you work with feel great about what they do today.