“The best advice I ever got was that knowledge is power and to keep reading.” ~ David Bailey
I love to read, and for several years I read every single day. At the end of a year, I had stacks of books that I finished and the knowledge that each one had given me.
The past few years I haven’t read as much. Life got busier, and I made excuses for not reading on a regular basis. If I did read it was just a few pages a day.
At the beginning of this year, I decided that I missed the knowledge that I received from reading and I begin reorganizing my time to make the time to read. So far this year I have read six books, which is a great start.
I have to share with you that I feel so much more fulfilled each day after I have read. Books are amazing friends, teachers, comforters, and leaders.
The article below is from Inc. Magazine, and it spells out how much time it would take to read 200 books in a year. What a challenge!
If you haven’t picked up a book in a while, I hope this encourages you to do so. You will only gain knowledge by doing so.
Happy Monday!