Teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results
Be Great…great is contagious. Ask your work team tomorrow, are we great? If so, what makes us great? If not, why not? Great or not great, how can we improve? These are excellent questions that we need to pose to our team on a regular basis so we can continue to improve on the service we deliver everyday to our patients/customers. Each one of our team mates is different but as long as we have the same common goal our differences can work together to accomplish great things. Each person needs to be held accountable for keeping the standards of the practice at top priority. If someone falls below, it needs to be dealt with sooner than later or the effect on the rest of the team can be damaging. To keep your team healthy you need to work hard, but make sure you leave time for play and bonding, as this makes those tough days go by easier.