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Sunday’s Thought

Writer's picture: Tina Del BuonoTina Del Buono

Yesterday after watching the Baltimore vs. Denver game, I kept the T.V. on and the post-game show started.  I was busy in the kitchen when the show began an interview with Ray Lewis.  The game had been quite exciting for this player and he was pumped-up post game.

After answering a few questions regarding how the Ravens turned it around to be in the running for playoffs Ray Lewis paused and summed it up by stating, “You listen to what people say you can’t do, and then you go do it.”

As humans, we are faced with challenging situations and choices every day.  More often than not, we choose defeat instead of taking the challenge to pursue and succeed.

This happens for many reasons, far too many to address in a blog post.  Ray Lewis made an epic point in his statement that we forget or just do not think is possible, “you go do it.”

Today in Let Life in Practices , Kristin Barton Cuthriel addresses the fact that we may sabotage ourselves when it comes to succeeding and how this happens.  This post has helpful information that can help us move out of the state of being stuck and into a “go do it” attitude.

In addition, if you haven’t checked out Stuart Young’s “The Change Your Life Blog you will want to stop by, he recently posted an excellent, motivational TED video by Scott Dinsmor, which is worth watching.

Stuart is the author of “how to change your life one day at a time.”  If you are one of those people who seem to be“stuck,” this book will be a great resource for you.

Tomorrow is Monday, the start of a new week.  My words for the week are going to be “go do it” what words will you choose?

Enjoy your day!


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