A couple years ago our practice found itself in the position of needed to hire a couple of new staff members. Now, the hiring process is not one of my favorite things to do because many times for one reason or another it doesn’t work out.
I had been told that it takes going through the hiring process 10 times before you find the right employee. I know that is not true if you use the correct process the first time which is taught by my friend Jay Henderson at http://www.realtalenthiring.com
As an employer or manager you know how hard it is to keep your people happy all of the time. So, this time I thought, “I will find people who are already happy to hire.”
The interviews became fun as I asked questions about the candidates, hobbies, likes and dislikes. I could hear and observe if they sounded and appeared happy as they talked. I hired to two happiest, at least I thought, they were happy and to this day they remain happy at work.
It is not that things don’t come up that are frustrating or difficult, but when you are generally a happy soul it is easier to find solutions and want to have the desire to make it a great day.
Also, when you work with happy people it naturally creates a happy work environment which makes for a great place to work.
“They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: Someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.” Tom Bodett