“Knowing oneself can be most difficult at times because we have the choice to change our mind” ~ T.C. Totaro
Isn’t this the truth? How many times have you thought that you knew exactly what you wanted out of life or even for dinner and then it changed with a flash of a thought?
For many they know exactly what they want and once they have headed down the path they never look any other way and are very content.
Then there are those who have an ultimate idea of where they want to go, but the path that takes them has many trails along the way.
And lastly there are the happy-go-lucky folks that just jump up, catch the wind and go wherever it takes them.
Looking into the future is exciting and scary, we think we know what might be there, but in reality we really do not.
So for today, for this moment we can choose, to be happy, to be thankful, to enjoy.
Happy Saturday to you all!