“When you work together with teammates, you can do remarkable things. If you work alone, you leave a lot of victories on the table. Collaboration has a multiplying effect on everything you do because it releases and harnesses not only your skills, but also those of everyone on the team.” ~ John Maxwell
What does this mean? When you have a team and you are willing to put personality and social issues aside and focus on the goal of the team, as a group you can make a tremendous difference in your workplace.
There is power in numbers. When we collaborate with our work team we create synergy that can move mountains. We discover answers to problems in ways that we never thought of alone.
The important key point when working on a team is that you bring cooperation and desire to add value to your teammates. That includes people that you may not be that fond of working with.
Remember collaboration is multiplication. When the team focus is on the issue at hand amazing things get done.