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Mission Statements, Do You Have One?

Writer's picture: Tina Del BuonoTina Del Buono

Most corporations and businesses have a mission statement that they post in their lobby so those who enter can see the purpose and goal of the business.   A mission statement is also a reminder to those who work there as to what their purpose is individually to keep to this statement alive.  A mission statement identifies what the purpose of the business is, take Google for example  their mission statement reads; “Our mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and  useful.”   I think this states what they do very well and I think everyone would agree that they are on target with their mission.  If businesses have mission and vision statements to define their purpose, should we ourselves have a personal mission statement?  I have never really thought of having a personal mission statement for myself before now, but in a way I do have one by the way I live and what I do.  I have just never put it down on paper, or for that fact what about the vision I have for myself?  At first when I was pondering the thought of creating a personal mission and vision statement I didn’t think it would be too hard, but when I tried actually putting it down on paper I began to struggle with what exactly to write.  A mission statement should include things like; what you do best, personal goals, what does success mean to you, it is not that easy to put my thoughts about these questions into just a few words.  A vision statement is to identify the humanistic side of your mission statement, giving your mission statement life and passion.  I think this is going to take a lot longer and a lot more thought to complete, but I am excited as it will help me define my purpose.  There is something about writing it down your purpose or mission statement that makes it more real and concrete….give it a try to see what you come up with.  I like to hear from you when you do as I think it will be encouraging to myself and others.

“If you don’t have your own plan, someone else is going to make you fit into their plan.”

Anthony Robbins


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