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Managing Employees Poorly

Writer's picture: Tina Del BuonoTina Del Buono


Most medical professionals receive training in emergency first aid.  Not only do they receive training during school they need to receive continued training every 2-3 years by attending a course and taking a test to receive their emergency first aid card.

Not much has changed in the course for years, but the need to have the information refreshed in the minds of these professionals is critical as they never know when an emergency might arise that they need to immediately respond to.  Keeping their skills and knowledge fresh allows them to react quickly and appropriately.

Last year, my husband (who is a physician) and I were in an airport waiting in line to board a plane.  As we watched the passengers unload, so we could load, I noticed a woman coming up the ramp who looked ill.  As I mentioned it to my husband this woman started to fall to the ground.  My husband quickly jumped into action and grabbed this woman and laid her down on the ground.  He then went right into doctor mode checking vitals, asking her questions so he could assess her situation, and making this woman comfortable while waiting for the emergency crew to arrive.

Thank goodness this woman did not need CPR, but the fact that my husband was ready and knew how to perform procedures that could save a life was very appreciated by all who stood by.  The first aid review courses play a big part in keeping medical personnel as quick first responders.

In the workplace, management staff should also have to review or take periodic management courses to keep their skills and knowledge up-to-date.

Continuing education is important because our skills can get dull and we can forget important points of being a manager.  If managers do not keep their skills sharp they can be the cause of an emergency situation at work.

The article below discusses the “Top 10 Mistakes Managers Make Managing People.”  From discussions that I have had with managers, I think this list is pretty accurate.

From the list, here are a few of the mistakes that I hear most often from staff personnel:

1. The treatment of employees unequally.

2. A failure to react to problems and issues that will fester if ignored.

3. Failure to trust employees.

4. Failure to communicate effectively and withhold important information from staff.

A manager has a tough job; there are so many aspects to it.  This list provides good reminders to the rules of successful management skills.  After reading them, which points you hear most often from employees about their managers?


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