I subscribe to a blog called Management Craft, which always has great posts about business management and related topics. I recently came across a post that was about the attributes of dragons and relating them to personal leadership. Since it is Chinese New Year today, and the beginning of “the year of the dragon” I felt it most appropriate to make it the topic of today’s blog. The post was short, sweet but to the point and I found it quite interesting and have posted the link below. The author points out that “Dragons are proactive and protective” and relates it to leaders stating that they need to do whatever it takes to help and support others and to ensure alignment in the workplace. I totally agree with this philosophy of management leadership, if there is something that is out of alignment in the office as management staff we need to sift through the issues, find out what the problem is and fix it in order for the practice to continue running smoothly and efficiently. I have talked to people who work in offices where the alignment was off and nothing was being done to fix it and the office environment eventually became pretty toxic as a result.
Think about when your car tires are out of alignment, when you drive it shimmies, shakes and heads to one side of the road instead of being “centered and smooth”, which is how you want your office to be running. Staff members take notice when office management supports them and they are more willing to bring issues up quicker knowing that they will be resolved. When office management sweeps issues under the carpet hoping they will go away or resolve on their own, staff members become distraught, distracted and disappointed in their managers and work culture environment, which only leads to further problems.
Are you a dragon? What dragon attributes can you bring to your office to make it a better place to work? Leave us a comment we would appreciate hearing what you have to say.
Reference article: http://www.managementcraft.com/2010/11/your-dragon-within.html