When a business wants to create dedicated and loyal employees, they first need to show them how much they are valued. This begins the first day they start work and should not end until that employee departs from their employment.
The policy of “catching employees doing something good” instead of wrong, and then to reward, recognize and celebrate their “good deed” creates a culture where employees flourish.
Ask yourself (or better yet your work team) the following questions about your place of business.
How often does good performance go unrecognized in your place of business?
In general, what’s the positive-to-negative feedback ratio in your company/plant/department?
How could your company improve that ratio?
What is your individual ratio of positive-to-negative feedback to those that you work with?
How can you give more positive feedback to your co-workers?
What can you do today to show those with whom you work that you appreciate them? What can you do to help change your workplace culture to one where everyone feels appreciated?
The desire to be appreciated is one of the deepest of human yearnings. Companies that make employee recognition truly a part of their culture, create loyal employees.
By showing appreciation, you not only are creating a great place to work, you will feel great about how you make those you work with feel each day!