There have been times that my boss will ask me what a certain employee is doing. If I do not know, which I may not at that very moment, he wonders why.
Ask any manager and they will tell you that it is almost impossible to give an actual accounting of what each employee does, every minute of the day. Managers do know what the employee’s job tasks and responsibilities are, and they should know if they are being completed or not.
There are four key communication points that can help managers to know and understand where their employees are at as far as their daily workloads. Managers should ask their employees to report on what they are working on either daily or weekly. This will allow the manager to be able to give an accounting to their supervisor or employer.
1. Employees need to communicate to their managers what their priorities are for the day. This not only will help the manager to know what they will be working on, but it also will allow the manager to guide them if their priority list needs adjusting.
2. For some employees it is hard to ask their manager for clarification about a project or task they have been asked to complete. They fear asking questions may make them appear less competent. They need to ask, so that they can complete their tasks correctly. Your manager will appreciate your concern and honesty for wanting to do things the right way.
3. If you need help, ask your manager. Be ready to give an accounting as to why you need extra help. Your manager would rather you ask for the help than to run behind or let things pile up.
4. Make sure you are clear on deadlines for all of your projects and job tasks. When asked by your manager to complete a task right away, ask “what does right away mean in days, hours and minutes?” Do not assume. By both parties understanding and being specific at what the deadlines are, everyone will be happy because the work will be done on time.
These four simple steps can be done quickly; they will save time and multiple questions throughout the work week.
What ways have you found that help to keep the lines of communication open between you and your manager or managers and your employees?