When working with managers I have found one area that many find difficult is conducting Job Performance Reviews. Over the past couple of months, I have compiled five key areas that cause managers to find doing performance reviews difficult.
There are no “real” job descriptions
Lack of a practical training program to teach the employee their job tasks and expectations
Lack of daily, weekly or monthly training follow-up by manager/employer
No requested input or training evaluation from the employee set in place
No jointly designed set of performance objectives going forward, so employees know what future expectations are from them.
When you look at this list it is pretty amazing and I’m sure you are thinking, “How can you run a business if you do not train employees correctly?” One would think that this would be a top priority, but I can tell you from over 20 years of management experience and working with small businesses this is continued problem.
If businesses would draft even simple training programs and have proper training with assigned trainers many major employee problems can be avoided. It is pretty worthless to do an employee review if you do not have systems and expectations in place to provide information to actually do the review on.
I have found by doing daily reviews, especially with new employees that when it comes time for their review, we have discussed everything that they are doing, and the review is about where they are going with the company. Employees appreciate the day-to-day information, correction and review it makes them feel more secure and confident in their job position.