This past long weekend I spent several hours watching videos on Leadership that I had been wanting to watch and was waiting for some block time to do so. It was wonderful, just like reading several books all in one weekend.
One video was a keynote from the Peter Drucker Institute presented by Jim Collins, the author of Built To Last and Good To Great. The video is below or you can find it on Youtube. Although it is an hour-long it is well worth the watch and has great information for leaders today and the future.
At the end of the video Jim presents 10 to do’s to consider for leaders and I have listed a few below that resonated with me.
Take time to think. – I don’t know about you, but this is a hard one. I always have so much to do that I find it difficult to just sit and think. This is a necessary ingredient in moving yourself forward with goals and your vision.
Stop trying to be interesting and start being interested. – Wow, great thought! What would happen if you were interested in those you encounter, asked questions of them and listened? For most this is not what our natural human nature wants to do we want others to be interested in us. We need to stop and focus on them instead.
Jim poses the question “What if you were given 2o million dollars to do whatever you wanted with and on the same day you were diagnosed with a terminal illness and only had 10 years to live. What would you stop doing? Begin your stop doing list now.” – This makes you stop and think and think….. this is why he mentions think time as one of the first do’s.
Study yourself. No judgement. What are you passionate about? Now do it. – You probably already know what this is, but far too often people never follow their passions for one reason or another and at the end of the life regret it.
Start thinking at the age of 65 you are only 1/3 through your life’s work. – I love this thought! I have so much more to do and have always struggled that time is not on my side.
As I mentioned this was a good video with lots of food for leadership thought. If you get the chance to watch it I am sure you will agree.