According to David Allen the author of “Getting things Done” and “Ready for Anything.” Asking the question “why” can lead to change in a positive way.
David talks about the value of thinking about “why.” The “why” will help to define “why’” you do what you do and what is the real purpose that you do it. Wow, is that a mouth full.
David states “the why question cannot be ignored.” When people complain or are having problems at work they need to answer “why” so that they can define what is the real issue so that they can push through it and move forward.
When you come to a crossroad or even a bump in the road at work, ask yourself why?
By asking “why?” you can define a clear and specific purpose for your daily work life.
Knowing the meaning of what you are doing is crucial. People will lose interest and drive if they do not understand their purpose.
David Allen lists these six reasons why asking the question “why” has significant benefits as an employee or employer.
Asking why may help to –
1. Define success.
2. Create decision-making criteria.
3. Align resources.
4. Motivate us and those with whom we work.
5. Clarify focus, which gives us drive.
6. Expand our options where we can explore where we have never explored before.
Reading about the power of “why” has motivated me to ask the question “why?” with many things that we do in our office each day. If we ask why, we just may come up with some new ideas that are going to move us ahead in the right direction, much quicker.
What can you ask “why?” about today? I have made my list, and I am looking forward to seeing what new ideas may come about.