It is always a surprise to me when an employer will complain that their employees do not seem motivated and they fail to do the job that they expect of them.
What employers commonly fail to realize is that employees need to know the workplace vision to understand why they are doing their job and how their job fits into the company’s goals.
If a workplace lacks vision for what it is doing the employees will just be surviving and not moving the company forward (because they don’t know where forward is). If you are a business owner or in management, you are responsible for relaying what the vision is to the employees.
The leaders of the business need to keep the vision in front of all team members to encourage them and to let them know how things are progressing toward the goal of the vision.
The vision needs to be compelling, one that all team members can understand and are willing to work toward. The business team needs to be able to see the strengths, convictions and purpose of the vision clearly.
Millionaire philanthropist Andrew Carnegie exclaimed, “A great business is seldom, if ever, built up except on the lines of strictest integrity.”
If your business does not have a vision for your employees, or maybe it is just blurred, here is a good checklist of what a compelling vision needs to have:
Clarity: Answers what the team must know and what they need to do.
Purpose: Gives direction to the vision
Goals: Brings targets to the vision.
Honesty: Brings integrity to the vision.
Passion: The fuel of the vision.
Challenge: Brings stretching to the vision.
Modeling: Brings accountability to the vision.
“The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.”
~ Helen Keller