Stuart Young the Author of “How to change your life one day at a time” posted the question below on his Facebook page yesterday.
“What would have to happen for you to feel excited to get up every morning and get on with your day?”
After posting my answer I remember this TED talk by Shawn Achor, in which he discusses the topic of the secret of happiness at work and in your life.
Shawn states that people tend to think that if they were successful they would be happier, when in fact, the opposite is true. We must be happy first before we can perform better and become successful.
There have been extensive studies done that show people who are happy at work perform 31% better and produce more. There are many choices we can make to help ourselves be happier.
It is proven that if you state 3 new things each day that you are truly grateful for that at the end of 21 days your brain retains a pattern of looking for the positive instead of the negative. This is amazing, so simple yet, who does it?
If you have not watch this TED talk before it is worth the 12 minutes time to hear what you can do to change not only your work environment but change your life. Shawn is funny and drives the point of what we need to do to change our outlook and become happy.