Do you have a hard time achieving goals you really want? I have often wondered if we really want to obtain a goal, why is it that we many times fail? If we really desire to reach a goal can we be lacking motivation?
I can only speak for myself, and I would have to say that the reason I often do not achieve my goals is that I do not plan the time it takes to achieve them.
At times, there is just not enough time to go around for everything I have to accomplish. When this happens I have to look at my priorities. Am I putting the right things first? Or am I investing more time in projects that will not take me to my goals?
Whatever the reason may be, by taking a good look at the situation and evaluating what you should be doing versus what you actually doing will give you a clearer picture. You will be able to see where you are at, why you are there, and what necessary changes in your direction you may need to make.
Life is about choices and for the most part, we do get to choose. Evaluate, make a plan, then begin and see where it takes you. Remember you can always re-evaluate and make a new plan. You are the pilot of your choices and direction.