When you talk to people about their job you will usually hear one of two things; “I love my job or I hate my job.” There are times when you might hear, “My job is okay, I am glad I have one, but it is just a job.”
With the latest Gallup Poll showing that 70% of Americans hate their job, you will probably find more people with negative responses about their employment. This is really a terrible thing, as people need to work to support themselves and their families, yet they hate going to work each day. Frankly, I cannot imagine what this might be like, but I am sure there are some of you that do.
What is really sad is there is something that can be done to change a bad workplace to a great workplace. Employers, managers and employees would need to discuss what it would take to make their workplace one that everyone enjoys coming to each day and then set up a plan to make it happen.
I Googled the top five reasons people hate and love their job and listed them below.
Top Five Reasons People Hate Their Job:
Bad boss or manager
Dead end job, no room to move up and the employee becomes bored.
The job is too demanding and interferes with the employees person life. They are overworked and under valued.
Poor, stressful and unhealthy work environment.
Under paid.
Top Five Reasons People Love Their Job:
Great boss, manager or coworkers. They are like-minded people and feel like family.
They have autonomy and flexibility in their job and they have responsibilities that matter to them.
Great work culture/environment from the boss down. The workplace is functional, fun and fresh each day.
There is variety in their job. They get to learn new skills, become cross-trained and know they have more value to the company because of this.
Their job is challenging and it stretches their abilities in an exciting way. They are able to give input and are listened to by upper management.
As you can see from the list of why people love their jobs, the reasons are very obtainable if the employer, manager and employees worked on making the necessary changes to make it a better place for all. What is mind-boggling is that so many don’t.
What are your thoughts on this topic?