Everyday in almost everyway we are selling ourselves to someone. This is an interesting thought, but it is very much true. Just think about what you did today at work, how many phone calls did you make? When you made these calls I am sure you were on your best behavior because you wanted to come across nice and pleasant to whomever you were calling. Yes, you were selling yourself. Or how about how your interacted with your boss or co-workers, didn’t you try to do your best today when working with them? You were selling yourself. Whatever interactions we have with others and whatever way we are behaving during that moment we are selling ourselves. Now hopefully we are selling something that is worthy of being purchased, but that is a choice we make. Harry and Christine Beckwith have written a book called “You, Inc.” (the art of selling yourself). I read this book back in 2007 when it came out and so much of it has stuck with me and the way that I approach those I meet each day in my encounters. Beckwith starts the book by making an interesting statement saying that “Living is selling” and he goes on to say from our early childhood we made pitches to our parents either to take us somewhere, to buy us something or allow us to do something. We were making “sales pitches” to them, some of us were pretty good at it too. The stories in this book are great and the lessons learned are valuable, it helps you to see how you are presenting to others and how they may see your “sales pitch.” I read this book in one weekend and then purchased for our employees as I felt it had that so much information to glean from, and they loved it. There are a lot of great books out there and this I think happens to be one and it is an easy read, which makes it better. The stories and pages just zip by, I think I hurt my neck while reading it from nodding up and down in agreement to what they have say and laughing to myself over the great, but simple lessons. Whether you are an avid reader or not this book is definitely a must read on my list and I am sure you will agree. “Life is a sale. And the path to success at both living and selling is the same.” ~ Harry Beckwith
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