There is a lot of talk today about branding yourself and your business. What exactly does branding mean? Your business is creating a brand for itself whether you are putting in the effort to do it or not. The term “to brand” is to develop a trademark for business, a way that your customers identify the business and what it has to offer.
Whether you are trying to intentionally brand your business or not, you are doing it with your customers. It begins with how people hear about your business and what they say about it.
What about your personal brand? How do you create it?
Last week on the blog “Leadership Musings of a Skeptical Positivist” written by Trevor Nagle, he wrote about personal branding. Trevor, in my opinion, has an excellent insight into the topic of Leadership and management and I have really enjoyed reading and interacting with him on his blog for the past couple of years.
In his recent post he digs a bit deeper into the topic of personal branding, asking his readers to ask themselves “if they are truly differentiated?” We may tend to believe that we are different and are establishing a brand for ourselves, but are we really?
Trevor states: “Let’s face it, most of us are able to identify what we believe makes us unique, a combination of values, skills, experience, and ways of doing business (even in our personal lives). But far fewer can articulate these in ways that sound substantially different from everyone else.”
This statement really made me think about how am I different, what is it that makes me my own brand? We each are unique and have our own set of fingerprints, but…. how do we set ourselves apart from the pack?
The link below is to Trevor’s post in full. Take a hop over to his blog and see what he has to say about this interesting topic.