Whether you own a business or manage it, the most important asset that you have are your employees. They are the ones who come in contact with your vendors and customers on a daily basis. If your employees are not happy, then your vendors and customers are not going to be happy.
How can you ensure that your employees get what they need to be happy and productive?
This week I have been giving tips from a few of the thousands of great business books that are available. Today I will add another one.
If you are a business owner or manager of a small business then “The One Minute Entrepreneur” is a book that you will want to read. The authors Ken Blanchard and Don Hutson tell an inspiring story of how to discover your entrepreneurial strengths in this easy to read, 130 page book.
The authors state “if we want our people to soar like eagles and take care of our customers, we have to create an environment where they can win, where they know that we are on their side so they will be empowered to act like they own the place.”
That sounds wonderful, but how do you actually do that and get the employees to buy in to make it all work?
Below are the one minute insights that the authors present in the book to make this necessary factor a reality. Management personnel need to incorporate these factors into the company’s culture to make it happen.
Working people today want a partnership relationship, not a top-down hierarchy.
Everyone should be encouraged to be a leader.
An effective performance management system helps people win rather than rating and berating them.
The best management includes day-to-day coaching that catches people doing things right and redirects their efforts when they are off base.
Work, as in life, is about getting A’s.
Passionate people are loyal customers and drive success in your organization.
Incorporating this type of philosophy into your business culture does not happen overnight, especially if there are none of these practices there to begin with. Letting employees know that you want to change the culture and have a definite, written plan of what you want that culture to look like will help everyone to get on the same page in making it become a reality.
The information in this book is definitely a good place to start in creating a workplace that both customers and employees will enjoy. It is never too late to have a new beginning. Isn’t your workplace worth the investment?
“The secret of joy in work is contained in one word – excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it.” –Pearl Buck