There is a great little book called “Yes Attitude, How to Find, Build and Keep a YES! Attitude for a Lifetime of Success” by author, Jeffery Gitomer. We have all heard the saying “you can choose your attitude” and even though we know this is true, there are times that we choose to allow a negative attitude to dwell in us instead of a positive one.
In Jeffery’s book he discusses many ways that we can change our attitude and below are just a couple on his list.
1. Change your input to change your attitude. If you want to achieve positive, you have to surround yourself with it and live it
2. Ignore people who tell you, “You cannot achieve something.” People will try to discourage you for fear that you will pass them. Don’t let it happen.
3. Don’t dwell on or whine about the problem; concentrate on the solution. Resolve how you can; don’t lament why you can’t.
4. Forgive and go forward. Grudge block positive. Until you clear the past, you are destined to repeat it.
5. What is the picture you have of yourself? That is what you will become. Spend 15 minutes a day focusing on a positive picture.
After reading these 5 points about attitude and self-awareness you truly can see where each of us is in control of our attitude.
Even though we know our attitude is our choice, what life throws at us sometimes makes it difficult. Keeping key points like the 5 above printed out and around our work and home space will serve as a reminder that it is our choice.
Live life to the fullest, and focus on the positive. ~ Matt Cameron