Where do you draw the line when it comes to the responsibility of providing workplace happiness? While there is much proof that productivity is higher in a workplace where everyone is happy, who is responsible for making it happen?
If a business owner is doing their part by providing a healthy, ethical, and safe environment, isn’t it then up to the employees whether or not they choose to be happy while they are there? They do have the choice.
At times, it may be hard to figure out what we love about our job, but we should be able to find something we like and focus on that. If you work with the public, you must enjoy people, then focus on making your encounters good ones with those you meet each day. When you are happy at work it will show to your customers and they will feel good about doing business with you.
Not only will your customers feel good, but you will feel good too.
Remember each person is only responsible and in charge of themselves, you do get to choose your attitude every hour, each minute and second of the day.
Take a step back and take a good look at what you do each day at work and how you could make it a happier place for you, and for those around you. Your employer can only be responsible for providing the right environment, it is up to you to do the rest.