Last week I had a coaching call with clients on the topic of “Making Your Workplace A Happy Place.” So often we forget to look for the good things that bring a smile to our face and make our hearts and thoughts happy ones.
On the call we talked about different ways we can cultivate “happy” at work, like smiling more, giving sincere compliments, helping one another without being asked. A fun challenge to do is for you and your coworkers to set a timer for five minutes and then write down as many ideas as you can think of that might bring “happiness” to your workplace then sit down and discuss them.
Happiness is a choice, sometimes we don’t think so because of a situation we may be facing, but I want to tell you that happiness is a choice. The night before this call took place my husband got a call from a friend who wanted to see if he would have dinner with him. Now, this friend found out about six months ago that he has terminal cancer and he is in his fifties. They give him possibly 3-5 years to live if he responds well to his treatment.
When my husband came home I told him that he was really a good friend and that it must be hard when he spends time with his friend because they talk pretty openly about what this man is going through. My husband responded saying “I had a good time and I learned something very valuable.” Of course I wanted to know what it was and he told me that his friend said that he is learning to find the good in everyday and to be happy even in his situation. He wants the rest of his life to be happy and peaceful even though he wishes with all his heart that he did not have this disease. He said since practicing, looking for the good each day, and pondering happy thoughts his days are better.
Wow, if this man can figure out how to be happy in his situation then we should be able to cinch the “happy thing” at work each day.
I shared this on my call and you could tell it made everyone think. Everyday since this when my thoughts are not quite “happy” I remember this man and it brings me back to a place of gratefulness and sets my heart on the right path again.
Yes, happiness is a choice…