There are those who get things done and there are those who have difficulty getting things done. Although, there could be many reasons people struggle to complete things, one big reason is lack of motivation.
Some people are self-motivated and I have heard many people say, “that just is not me, I was not born that way.”
When you look at the traits of a self-motivated person you will find that they are traits that can be learned.
Setting goals and then taking the steps to reach them.
Having confidence to try new ideas.
Being willing to jump in and take things on and “creating” mental energy to get it done. (Positive self-talk)
Being humble.
Not giving up on a anything, they look at all options to make it happen. Being persistent.
Having a positive attitude.
Rise above the little petty things to achieve great things in their life.
We have many choices in life and becoming a self-motivated person is one of them.
The link below is to an article on the Mind Tools website along with a quiz to see how self-motivated you are.