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Giving Your Best Performance at Work

Writer's picture: Tina Del BuonoTina Del Buono

Have you ever been in a play or performance of some sort?  What did you want the most when you were performing?  You wanted your audience to like it!  Rehearsals, line learning or music, the excitement you have getting ready for the performance.  Butterflies, jitters, wringing your hands, rehearsing the show over and over in your mind wanting to give the best performance you possibly can.  It is about putting yourself out there to make others feel good, enjoy themselves and like what you are doing.  Have you ever thought that this is what we do everyday at our job?  Performing the show (our job) and creating value for others (those we serve).  Good actors/actresses deliver the best they have in themselves whether it is a "one liner" or they are the main character in the show.  They know they are part of whole performance and they need to act the part the best that they can to make sure "the character" is the best it can be.  They give it their all and then some.

Do you do your job the best that it can be done?  Only you can add value to what you do each day at work.  How do you add value?  By doing more than is necessary, exceeding the expectations of your co-workers, employers and most of all your customers.  Pump up your personality, be enthusiastic about what you are doing, be genuine and enjoy yourself, others around you will enjoy you also.  Meet your customers, co-workers and employers needs in advance, anticipate what the need may be and jump on it.  Do what you have always done but find a way to do it better than you have ever done it.  Take the time to think of what you can do to make each days performance the best you have ever given!

How do you think a Broadway Star puts on a show night after night, sometimes the same show for years and when you see the show it seems like it was the first time it was performed?  They have passion for what they do, it is their job, but they love it!

When you open your door to walk in to your work today, think of it as walking into the back stage door of the theater and prepare yourself for "Showtime"!

"Don’t waste life in doubts and fears; spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour’s duties will be the best preparation for the hours and ages that will follow it." — Ralph Waldo Emerson


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