Hiring a new employee is always a bit scary, but now that you have chosen the candidate that you want to bring onto your office team, you want to make sure that things get started on the right foot. Bringing a new hire on board can not only be exciting, but also very scary for everyone involved. You as the doctor have the most to be concerned about. Hiring the wrong person can be devastating to your practice. You are going to be entrusting your practice into this persons hands in many ways that can have direct effects on you personally and financially.
Other employees in the practice also can be struggling with bringing a new person on board. What will they be like? Personalities, skill levels, communication, will we be able to work together? How can I get my work done and train someone else? Will we fall behind?
What about the new employee? Try to look at this from their point of view. Starting a new job is exciting, but also scary for them. The new person has no idea what to expect. Will they like me? Will I be able to meet their expectations? What if I make a mistake?
During the pre-employment interviews and discussions the new employee has developed impressions about you, the office staff and what their new position is. They are now going to get the reality check, does the job live up to what they expected? Will they be what you expected?
Recent studies have shown that a failure to properly introduce and incorporate newly hired employees into their new employment culture is one of the key reasons a whopping 55 percent of them do not make the grade, or voluntarily leave within the first two years. In many cases this is due to poor leadership skills by their immediate supervisor. These problems can often be alleviated if the new employee is properly oriented to fully understand what the office policies are, what the true nature of the job is and what is expected from them over time.
Developing an orientation program or on-boarding program is essential in making the transition and training go smoother. These types of programs really help new employees get a better start with their new employment. Most offices have some type of orientation program. Maybe you have the new hire work a couple of days with another employee or you may have them just watch what goes on in the office before having them do hands on tasks. Lack of proper orientation is one of the reasons employees quit during the first few months of starting a job. Many times a new hire is just thrown into the job without any real orientation, would that make you feel welcome? They have no idea of what the culture of your practice is, mission statement, or goals. Would you stay at a place who treated you this way in your first days of employment?
Having a successful on-boarding program will make your new hire feel like they are wanted, and are a key player on your team. Here are a few things you and your staff can do to make a new employee feel welcome and to make the transition better for the office as a whole.