The other day in the office I thought that we should revisit some of the standards we have for patient paid procedures to make them a bit clearer, more defined and simple. This would ensure that all staff members had the same information and there would be less confusion regarding this matter. In trying to do this there was various opinions and scenarios that were brought up that steered away from a solution and added to the confusion. There was discussion about those once in awhile situations and not the everyday ones, trying to make the solution for the real problem much more complex. Far to often when a problem arises we spend more time focused on the problem then finding a solution. It can end up being an 80-20 situation with the 80% being focused on the 20% and trying to come up with solutions for each 1% that makes up the 20%, instead of looking at the whole 80% and finding the one solution that will work for it. The trick is taking a look at the “big picture”, deciding what the real problem is that you want solved and then focusing on a solution, a “simple solution”. As I said before, more times than not we make the solutions more difficult than they need to be. When trying come up with solutions to your problems remember that old acronym KISS (keep it super simple). As a manager or supervisor it is your job to help keep your team focused on what the real problem at hand is, and not let people take those “rabbit trails” that so often happen. Valuable time is wasted discussing minute details that really do not matter to the solution. I found this article that I think you will enjoy with a few interesting problem solving stories at the link below, you will be amazed at first and then find yourself laughing. I do not guarentee that they are true, but they sure make you think.