For many of us life is very busy and full of “stuff” we have to do. It can be a bit overwhelming at times when we try to think of everything and then process the how, when, and can we do it all.
I like the phrase “chewable bite-sized portions” and try to apply it to my “To Do” list of things. There is no way possible to accomplish several things at one time without driving yourself crazy. You must break the list down into these “bite-sized portions” in order to begin.
It is a process. First you must make the list and prioritize what comes first, second and so on. Then write a brief outline of what it will take just to finish number one, do not think about anything else but number one. By completely focusing on your simple outline for number one and taking it step-by-step you will be on your way.
This sounds so simple yet we can make it so hard for ourselves because we fail to focus. We allow distractions to get in the way and many times we are our own distraction.
Steve Jobs knew what it took to be focused. He also knew that by keeping things simple and being focused he could accomplish great things and he did.