We all would like to have employees that are motivated each day to not only do their job tasks to the best of their ability, but to also strive to learn new things and take initiative to see what needs to be done and do it without asking.
These employees are usually referred as “self-starters” employers wish that each employee they hire would have this type of motivation.
There are certain personalities that are natural self-motivated types and they are constantly looking for ways to make their place of employment a better one.
We know not everyone is this way, but there are certain things that employers and managers can do each day that will bring out the best in each person we work with.
One of the best motivators of employees is consistent feedback about how they are doing each day at work. Now this doesn’t mean that each day you need to make a list of what each employee has done and tell them how well they did with each task. What it does mean is that you, the employer or manager, need to be engaged with each employee so that you periodically can give them affirmation of how they are doing.
Everyone needs and likes to hear that they are doing their job well and what exactly it is that they are doing well at or have gone above the call of duty for.
That saying “catch someone doing something good” instead of “doing something incorrect” is a great way to let your employees know that you are watching and listening to them and care enough to let them know when you “catch them doing something good.” This is a great habit for all management personal to practice on a daily basis.
Far to many times we wait until it is review time and then make a list for each employee on what they are doing well at and not so well at and this is the only time employees hear it. How can someone measure how they are doing if they only get a review and feedback once a year? Why not do this each day and your employees will always know where they stand how they are doing in your eyes.
Consistent feedback will also cause your employees to feel more connected to you and their job. By giving consistent feedback to your employees you are creating the opportunity for honest open conversation The more they feel that connection with you the more they may open up and be more willing to give input at office meetings and help with solutions to problems that come up.
Consistent feedback is an investment in your employees that will cause them to rise up and excel no matter what their personality type is, try it and watch how you and your employees will benefit.