“Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?”
~ L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
The New Year has begun and I wish you all peace, health and happiness in 2013. There is something about the first day of a new year that brings hope for a better year than the past.
No matter what it is that we are seeking for in this coming year, the thoughts of them happening seem so attainable today.
Although I find myself in this same frame of thought, I cannot help but wonder why today should be any different from tomorrow, next week or in six months.
Each day is new, no matter what yesterday held, we can start out fresh every single day. What a wonderful thought, that we tend to forget all to often.
Along with peace, health and happiness, my wish for you is that you realize the gift you have been given upon opening your eyes each morning. Life is short, but the adventure is amazing.
May you learn to look for the lessons to be learned each day, whether the day has been good or bad. The lessons add value to who you are and we each have been given the opportunity to be very wealthy at the close of our life here as we know it.
I would like to thank each of you for your support in 2012. I appreciate every one of you. It has been a great year getting to know many of you through our blogs. Although we have never met face-to-face, I consider you my friends. I look forward to continuing our relationships in 2013!
“la vita è dolce miei amici, godere!” (life is sweet my friends, enjoy!)
(below is one of my favorite quotes and perfect for today)
“We all make mistakes, so just put them behind you. We should regret our mistakes and learn from them, but never carry them forward into the future with us.” ~ L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Avonlea