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Does Your Personality Influence How You Manage Your Time?

Writer's picture: Tina Del BuonoTina Del Buono

Time management is one of the top “hot topics” in today’s work management arena.  With so many things on our plate each day how do we fit it all in?   First we must remember that we cannot “really” manage time as the seconds will continually tick away no matter what.  What we can do is to “really” manage what we do with our time.  If managing your time is something that you struggle with you might want to take a look at your personality type for some helpful insights into why.  If you are someone who is a perfectionist, then you will probably never feel that you manage your time exactly right.  You will always fall short of your perfect expectations.  Or if you are someone who is an over-committer, always wanting to please others, how will you ever have enough time to do everything you have committed yourself to?  When you understand how your personality can affect how you manage your time, it will help you to be able to work more realistically within the constraints of your personality type. 

A flip side to this that can be very insightful to managers is to take a look at your staff’s personalities when dealing with them on timelines and their own workload. For example I had an employee that was sweet, great with our patients, but she was a chatter bug and this not only interfered with regards to her managing time, but it also interfered with everyone else in the office being able to manage their time too.  I brought this to her attention, although she did see the issues her chattering caused and promised she would try to cut back on her talking, she did say “this is who I am and I cannot change who I am” and she did not. 

I don’t think that we really need to change our personality as much as we need to find that balance of being able to manage our personality and its affect on our being able to manage time.  I do hope this young lady eventually learned this lesson, I don’t know because she did continue to allow her “personality” to influence how she was able to manage her time at work.

One always has time enough, if one will apply it well.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Tina Del Buono, PMAC


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