If you have ever made a major purchase you probably have experienced “pride of ownership.” It is that great feeling you have after making a purchase like a home, car, computer or anything that you have put a lot of thought and time in making the decision to get it.
When I purchased my first home, I just couldn’t believe that I was a homeowner. I spent most of my waking hours, when not at work, painting and decorating my home. I couldn’t wait to invite friends and family over so that they could see what I had done to it.
When they did arrive, there was nothing sweeter to my ears than to hear them make complements on what I had done. I have loved all of the homes I have owned and still enjoy having people over to enjoy them with me. It makes me feel good and I am proud of making a nice place to call home.
For my husband it is his car that he has real pride in. He loves tinkering on it and giving it a nice wash and waxing. He really enjoys when the neighbor guys stop by and take a look at it, it makes him smile because he is proud of what he has worked hard at getting and keeping it spotless.
People can have pride of ownership about anything that they own. It is about the pleasure they get from owning it, the accomplishment they feel from obtaining it and the desire to maintain it to the best of their ability.
I came across this quote the other day;
“Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work” ~ Aristotle
Could he have been referring to pride of ownership of your job? As I pondered it, I came up with a few check points to tell whether you have pride of ownership of your work.
1. Does doing your job bring you pleasure? Not your boss or the end result your paycheck, but the actual doing of whatever it is that you do at work.
2. Do you feel like you are accomplishing something of value at work? At the end of the day you can say “yes, job well done.”
3. Do you work hard to maintain your job? Each day are you working hard, putting in what it takes in order to show your employer you want your job?
4. Are you excited to when you tell others what it is that you do, because you have pride in doing your job well?
If we can answer “yes” to these four questions then I think we can count ourselves very fortunate people to have found work that brings us pleasure and we strive to put perfection in our work. Count your blessings!