We certainly are busy people with a lot of work to do and often do not have time for idle chitchat when we are at work.
Lately, I have become more aware of what I call “filler conversations.” This type of communication consists of things that have nothing to do with what is happening at the moment at work, and it is out of place at during work time.
For example: You are at your desk working away and someone steps up to you and states “Hey, they had a great piano player the other night at Johnny’s Grill.” This has nothing to do with work and it is work time, yet they want to engage in a conversation with you about outside events.
Aren’t we accountable to our employers to give them the time they are paying us for?
Not to say that all conversations at work need to be about work, but we need to be considerate to our fellow co-workers when we interrupt them during work time with things that are not about work.
When you need to ask someone a question for information or discuss something that does not pertain to work you might ask “Is this a good time for you to talk with me? Or “I have a question, is this a good time for you?” This gives the person the freedom to either say “sure” or to let you know when would be a good time when it was less interrupting to them. When you are considerate of your co-workers time they will be considerate of yours.
With timelines and deadlines at work even the smallest of interruptions can put one behind, which can cause undo frustration and stress.
The next time you get the urge to stop in at a co-worker’s cubical for a friendly chat remember that they may not be so happy that you did.
We need to remember that we are at work to work and that is what our first priority should be during working hours.