For many the Holiday Season can be very difficult for one reason or another. This year I personally know a couple of families that have suffered the loss of loved ones in the past few months. They are trying to do their best to keep the Holiday Spirit alive but are finding it very difficult.
There is a good antidote that can help you get through the days ahead if you are finding it difficult. It will not change your situation or the loss you feel, but it will make it easier to get through each day.
Make a Happy Thought List. This is a list of things that make you happy. Take the time to jot down big and little things that make you happy and bring a smile to your face. Maybe it is watching your children play, or a favorite childhood memory. It may be a fond memory with your loved ones, who are no longer here as before.
Once you have a few of your happy thoughts together, write them down or put pictures of them up around you or in a binder. When you feel down you can look at your happy thought list for a lift. When you feel lifted you will be inclined to lift others.
We have the choice on how we react to the situation we are in and facing. By making the decision to do something positive when you are having a difficult time will not only benefit you but may also lift those you work with or live with.
Grab a pen, begin your happy thought list, print copies, and keep them at home, in your car and at work. Add to it daily as new happy thoughts come to your mind.
During times of difficulty, we can make our own rose garden of beautiful thoughts that will lift us up while we are trying to do our best to get through each day at work and at home.