Is continued employee training worth the investment? This sounds like a no-brainer question with the answer being “of course.” But this is not always the case when it comes to time, effort and money that an employer has to contribute. Statistics show that more employees are now looking to invest back into their jobs and this trend is on the upswing for people to want to grow with their companies rather than look for new employment. The National Society of Human Resources Management found in a retention survey that 59 percent of employees polled said that meaningful work makes a job better, and they defined “meaningful” as; a workplace with a learning culture and the opportunity for challenge and growth in their job. Here are just a few of the well documented benefits to be gained from continuing education and training for your staff;
1. Increased job satisfaction and morale amongst staff members.
2. Increased employee motivation.
3. Increased efficiencies in processes resulting in overall financial gain.
4. Reduced employee turnover, resulting in reduced recruiting and training costs.
5. Enhanced office image and patient satisfaction and loyalty.
Today is the age of instant information and many times patients have already done the research on their health issues, treatments, technology and products and your office staff needs to be more knowledgeable then they are when questions are posed to them by your patients. Patient service is often provided in brief interactions that may only last a few minutes, but the impact could last a lifetime. On the average medical assistants (either clinical or administrative) spend three times the amount of time with the patient than the doctor does, what impact are your assistants making? Medical assistants of today play a key role in the advancement of the medical practice as a whole. Continued training for medical staff is necessary to keep the medical practice standards high and in enhancing quality patient care.