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Can You See The Goal?

Writer's picture: Tina Del BuonoTina Del Buono

“Shorten the time between the idea and the implementation.”

                                            ~ Dan Kennedy

I had the opportunity to speak at a conference this last week in Florida, the weather was great, not too hot, nice breeze and the conference was held at a wonderful site right on the beach, with amazing views.

I was really excited to be there and the beauty of the views added to the experience.

Whenever I attend an educational conference whether I am speaking or not I always take the time to listen to the other presenters so that I may have the opportunity to pick up a “pearl” or two to take back to my office that we can benefit from.

At this conference among the many excellent speakers I had the opportunity to listen to Rem Jackson, who is the CEO of Top Practices.  Rem spoke about multiple ways to improve your business, but more than that he told how you have to get “yourself in order” to be able to be successful.

The audience became “pumped up” over the simple instructions he was giving to be able to accomplish goals/tasks in order to move ahead in our personal and professional lives. And then he gave us a “reality check” that only a few of us in the room would ever really do what it took to reach them.

He was speaking the truth, how many times have we set goals/tasks for ourselves and then did not follow through to reach them?  Rem said that many times people spend too much time between thinking about what they need to do and doing it. The more time that passes by between the thought and the action the less chance you have of actually doing it.

His method is very simple, you need to make a list of all of the things you want to do and then put then in categories of 1, 2, 3, according to priority and then when you have the list of ones go through that and take the top three and make a commitment to accomplish them in 90 days.

Once the 90 days is over start the next set and continue on.  In one year you will have accomplished 12 of the goals that you wanted to complete.

Now you might say that is not really much, but think about it…. how well are you moving ahead now?

If you want to reach any of your goals/tasks you need to start somewhere and have a plan.  Without a plan the likelihood of being successful is next to none.

Take the time to sit down and just start writing, I think you will surprise yourself at the length of your list, but don’t get overwhelmed give each item a priority number and only think about the “one” category, nothing else.

The problem is that we usually make accomplishing goals/tasks way too hard, lighten up and take just a few on at a time, that is the trick to success.

Just an F.Y.I to you all, tomorrow Greg Blencoe the author of “The Supermanger” will be a guest on the ppm4u blog!



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