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Building Our Confidence

Writer's picture: Tina Del BuonoTina Del Buono


When my children where in upper elementary school I enrolled them in Taekwondo as an extra curricular activity.  I thought that Taekwondo would teach them discipline, respect and strengthen their confidence.

As parents we really enjoyed watching them grow as they achieved the different level colored belts.  At times, they would struggle with their routines and become frustrated when they knew a testing time for the next belt was drawing close.

I would make sure that they got in a few extra classes before the testing so they would feel more confident.  It was eye-opening to watch as they would work with their Master during these extra classes.  If they were struggling with their routine the Master would tell them “Yes, you can do this.”  He would repeat this several times and have them say “I can do this” and then they would do their routine and they would perform it with excellence.

Their Master knew how to build their confidence with positive talk when they were faced with a difficult challenge, like passing to the next belt level.

When we are faced with challenges we too need to feed ourself with positive talk.  Far too often we fill our minds with negative talk, telling ourself and others why we cannot do something instead of how we will be able to do it.

Not only do we need to stop feeding ourselves negative talk, but we also need to be able to deflect when someone comes to us with negative talk and attitude about something.  We need to be able to thank them for the information and then ask them what they think can be done to resolve it.  Not allowing ourself to get caught up in their negativeness.

If we can just wire our minds to always look for the positive and look for the way that we can do things we might have thought impossible, we will be so much happier.

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you will start having positive results.” ~ Willie Nelson


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