In today’s world we have many devices to keep us organized, in touch, and on track. If we are honest with ourselves many of us allow such things as smart phones, iPads, LinkedIn, Facebook and such to control our time. We get distracted from our work, relationships, and the ability to really focus on our daily life.
Think about when you go to a mall, restaurant or event, what is everyone looking at? (Their phone!) It amazes me when my husband and I go out for a nice meal and we see other couples and either one is trying to talk to the other, but they are looking at their phone, or both of them are looking at their phones and not saying a word to each other. How good can that be on a relationship?
Getting distracted is natural; it happens all of the time. It is when you allow yourself to be distracted and try to do too much at once, (like that email cannot wait until after dinner?) that you end up doing nothing really well.
The next time you are drawn to grab your phone, check your email, or favorite social media site, when you really should be focusing on something or someone else stop and make a conscious choice to remain focused until you have completed whatever you are doing.
You will find yourself accomplishing more than you have been and you will feel good about the little discipline that got you there.
Happy Friday Folks