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Becoming A Responsible Person

Writer's picture: Tina Del BuonoTina Del Buono


Happy Monday!  I want to start the week out with the challenge of becoming 100 percent responsible for yourself.  Most people when asked if they are responsible for themselves will usually say “yes”.  But, are they really?

In Darren Hardy’s (publisher of Success Magazine) book The Compound Effect, he takes the reader down the road to success.  What I like is that he shows that the road is not easy, but it is obtainable to do.

There is a warning at the beginning of the book where the author states, “The chapter headings look simple and the success strategies in the book are not newly revealed secrets.  These strategies are just ignored by most people. If applied, they will cause the successful changes that anyone would want for their life.” (Paraphrased)

One pearl in this book that jumped out at me was the topic of “Owning 100 percent.”  Darren states, “If I always took 100 percent responsibility for everything I experienced – completely owning all of my choices and all the ways I responded to whatever happened to me – I held the power.  Everything was up to me, what I did or did not do.”

Give that a little bit of time to sink in….

It is a pretty powerful commitment to make.  If we accept this, then we no longer can point a finger, be a victim or play the blaming game.  We are empowering ourselves to be in control of our every choice, action or reaction.

Are you willing to be 100 percent responsible for your life?


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